Funny How I continue to do this. Start something, but never finish. It is the story of my life nothing is ever permanent, nothing has ever been. However, I managed to get as far as I have starting alot of things, never really finishing but it all found a way to work itself out.
Today, has been an interesting one. I cried out in frustration but at the end of the day, came home and danced in the mirror for like an hour until I became dizzy and light headed...I mean I am not a dancer. But for some reason I felt like I had to release energy so for that hour I was ballet dancer. Once I was out of breath I laid in front of the mirror and tried to find my self. Ever done that? Looked in the mirror and for a split second you realize that with every thing that's going on in your life you managed to forget to look inside yourself. I learned a lot looking at Melissa. It was the most beautiful experiance looking into my eyes in to depth of my soul. A small glimpse of the "true" me, the untainted soul or pieces of experiences that have collected together to form me that of Melissa.
I tried to write a song, and then a poem, eventually I just wrote my thoughts, then drew picture I felt. I've never felt so compelled to release so much. Even now, as I write I feel as if something in me just needs to realease, so much is bottled up.
Love, frustration, life, confusion, dreams, aspirations, and a tired traveler are all what I am now. Sometimes I feel as I have walked down a million differnet paths just trying to figure out which will work the best. I am falling, slipping, clinching to all that is real to me.
I am pretty sure this will make aboslty no sense once I am done...but that's me ya know. I am so self aware that I confuse my self, how does that happen?
So I am in love with the Idea....that maybe just maybe idk lets not move to fast lol