For the past three days I've been embarking on a 40 day prayer with God. I have committed myself to 40 minutes a day for 40 days and thus far I can not even articulate the blessing that have been occurring in my life. The people around me are blessed, I am blessed, and it is a beautiful feeling. I am learning both through my 40 days of prayer and reading " Your best life now" that I must expand my vision and see my life being as God would see it. Filled with love, happiness, freedom and peace. Let me tell you, this is not as easy as it sounds as live in society that constantly reminds us of how limited we are. But " Greater is his he that is in us than he that is in the world". However I must constantly be reminded of this on a daily basis. The biggest vision I know god is working on as we speak is my desire to have a loving and long lasting relationship. One that is without separation filled with undeniable/unconditional love that stands the test of time. One that is built on Gods word and foundation. I know that there is a very real possibility I am currently experiencing the love of a man that can very well be this vision, but God is testing my faith to believe in him that he will provide such a man. Which he has, yet I will not lie, I have to work everyday not to foster seeds of doubt, or thoughts of " Is this too good to be true"? or is this really him? or This is coming to soon moving to fast am I doing the right thing? Yet through my faith which is growing more and more everyday I realize that what I have in my life occurred not by my works, there was nothing I did to have this, but God who order my steps and allowed us to be,not just physically, but emotionally, spiritually, and mentally in the right place at the right time. What I feel is like no other love I have ever felt, it mirrors how I've grown to love and trust God and being that God is love I know in the depths of me that what we have is of God. Hmmm I'll let that sink in
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