I woke up this morning is a slight rage. I am not sure why but something came over me. Before I had rolled out of bed, or even opened both of my eyelids and said hello to a new day, I turned on my Iphone keyed in my passcode and began texting. The night before a gentleman just completely disrespected me, I won’t disclose how exactly, but all I know is this morning I wasn't having it. Needless to say, he never responded and I doubt we will be talking in the future. But I didn’t regret it, in fact as I sit here recounting the event it was slightly cathartic. I felt a weight being lifted from my shoulders as I told him what I will no longer tolerate from him. Its something I've been actively, well not so actively, working on. I realized that feelings will get hurt in the process but life is too short to allow people to treat you like they feel like treating you, rather then how you believe you ought to be treated.
I have so much to write but I guess the whole point of blogging is to just take it one step at time. I normally journal so I wonder how different this will be considering I haven't found the real purpose of blogging when you can simply write in a journal and be completely honest. We shall see where this takes us. I can't promise reading my blogs will be the most exciting but they will be entertaining nonetheless.
Well I guess this is it for now, I have my last final on Friday, which like my final this afternoon I have yet to study for. I have senioritis, I’ll be picking up my prescription soon :)
LOve ,
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