Whatever..this too shall pass.
Now, I have this question. That, well, I sort of have the answer to but can't seem admit to my self that I have already answered it. It's about trust and relationships. When are you ready to trust some one with everything, or in my case, trusting someone to simply be a good friend. More specifically friends of the opposite sex.
I've been single for almost 10 months now, that’s the first time I ever said that. Which if you know me is like 10 years. I’ve never been without a boyfriend or even without a potential boyfriend. I seem to have gotten use to managing my time between myself, school work and friends. I don't make time for anyone else and when someone else does come along I don't change anything around to accommodate them, rather, I try to Squeeze them into my already planned out schedule. Of coarse they never stick around, and of coarse I never care cause they were taking up too much time anyway..lol
But do you see where I am going with this. I've created this fortress around myself and I not only deny access to men I could careless if they stay or if the go. So when, I ask, are you ready to trust? Because I seriously doubt this can go on forever.
Signing off,
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